Eaton’s solid state relays (SSR) are reliable, offer a long service life, significantly reduce electromagnetic interference, respond quickly and are resistant to vibration. Applications for solid state relays typically include equipment that requires high cycling rates, low acoustical or electrical noise, or vibration resistance; such as material handling equipment, medical equipment, heating/cooling equipment, lighting control and pumps/compressors.
Solid-state relays are similar to electromechanical relays, in that both use a control circuit and a separate circuit for switching the load.
When voltage is applied to the input of the SSR, the relay is energized by a light-emitting diode.The light from the diode is beamed into a light-sensitive semiconductor that, in the case of zero-voltage crossover relays, conditions the control circuit to turn on the output solid-state switch at the next zero-voltage crossover. In the case of nonzerovoltage crossover relays, the output solid-state switch is turned on at the precise voltage occurring at the time.
Removal of the input power disables the control circuit and the solid-state switch is turned off when the load current passes through the zero point of its cycle.
Since its introduction, the SSR has gained acceptance in many areas that had previously been the sole domain of the EMR or the contactor. The major growth areas have come from industrial process control applications, particularly temperature control, motors, lamps, solenoids, valves, and transformers.
The following are typical examples of SSR applications:
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